Hello and Welcome! Thanks For Being Here Please Introduce Yourself.
Hi, My name is Kyle, my company is Full Moose Farms. We hail from Lincoln Maine. We've lived there for seven summers, six winters, five of which were off the grid.
Where Did The Name Come From?
The name Full Moose Farms came from two separate visits we've had from Moose since moving here from Pennsylvania, one our first spring, that was sickly and skinny that gardened with Bethany for a few days. And the second was a Healthy Bull moose eating cover crop our 2nd year. It tore out the only plant we had of a particular strain our epilepsy patient was getting relief from. I had a cross I was trying to get her to transition too and she didn't want to. The Full Moose left her no choice. That new strain and strains built since have changed her life and ours for the better.
That moose eating the cover crop got caught in the trellis and ripped her plant out of the ground a few weeks before it would've been done. We found the trellis the ensuing spring on a trail near our home.

How Did You Get Started With Cannabis?
I started my "cannabis research" in early High School. I remember growing the first seeds I found. I read High Times faithfully. I was medicating with this plant and helping my friends medicate with this plant waaaaay before I knew it was medicine. Once I transitioned from the traditional market and into the medical side helping people with epilepsy and arthritis, I've relentlessly studied ways to provide a cleaner more diverse cannabis to the patients. Stacking terpene and cannabinoid profiles through selective breeding for relief of certain ailments is our area of focus now.
What Is Your Current Grow Set Up?
Currently we've been doing light deprivation greenhouses the last few years as well as full term gardens with a small batch indoor pheno hunt in the winters. We favor outdoor sungrown cannabis for a plethora of reasons. To keep up with market demand we're currently setting up a small indoor set up to facilitate the need for a continuous and diverse menu for our patients. Growing outdoor allows us to utilize a large space and multiple strains at a time we're going to try to mimic that indoor on a somewhat smaller scale.

What drew you to going organic and utilizing living soil?
I've never liked the taste of indoor "chemical" weed. It started with "beasters" back in the day. Soil grown is where I started and all my mentors started. Its cost effective. Its working with nature. Soil biology is the foundation of all life, since the beginning, I trust that program.
You Put A lot Of Love And Good Intentions Into Your Plants Something That Is Completely Lost With Corporate Cannabis. It's Very Nice To See That It's Still Happening Because It Translates Massively Into The Medicine. What Are Some Other Differences Patients May Not Know Between Corporate / Warehouse Grows and Small Scale Craft Farming.
The difference I notice most isn't so much the love that goes into the plant. There are a lot of "kids" out there just trying to get into the industry, so they take a job at "(insert corporate scum company)" They leg up plants, mix batches of Veg1, trim with compassion, bag up 1/8s hoping to be a grower some day....there's love there. But the boss is greedy and when greed and money is your driving force, you're fucked. You're product is fucked and everything about your herb is gonna suck. When your driving force is the love of the plant and helping people like 98% of craft cannabis producers, the mom and pops and old heads kids businesses, we put the love in, we care about the end result. WE SMOKE OUR OWN WEED! You probably should too.

If A Patient Was Just Getting Started, What Would You Tell Them About The Importance Of How Cannabis Was Grown and the Medium It Was Grown In?
I like to encourage a patient to try both. Get some Coco grown, from a respectable salt grower and then grab, if you can, the same strain from a soil guy and then you decide. I'm all about a fair playing field, some salt guys crush it, but in my personal opinion, soil/sun grown is better medicine, period.

The Misconception Of Sun Grown Cannabis?
People that think sungrown isnt "as good" or "it's harsh" probably smoked some of their uncle John's shitty outdoor that was dried in his ice shack. You can put as many HPS DEs and LEd 1000s as you want in a facility, it'll never beat the sun.

What Are Some Strains You Are Currently Running?
This year we ran a few breeder cuts (Trop Cherry, cereal milk, mandarin butter)to see how they perform in the dep and we ran a pheno hunt featuring New Englands finest.
Any New Strains Patients Can Get Excited About?
We have a strain called "Summer Sausage" a cut we got from Sturgis Farms. Its a real banger, GMO meats a mendo breath Masha up. It's nasty good.

What Are Some Of Your Personal Favorite Strains?
I love the Pure Michigan from the Honey Stix, we've run that cut the last few years. Its a go to. I also love the Sherbnruntz 7 grow off cut selected by Bungledetch farms. Testing over 30% Total cannabinoids it gets ya where ya wanna go fast.
Things You Think The Average Patient Should Know About Cannabis and The Cannabis Scene?
The best advice that I could give to a patient about the cannabis scene is know your grower.

Do You Offer Direct To Patient and Where Can Patients Find Your Products?
Right now we're doing direct to patient sales as our storefront has closed so we can focus more on growing.
Will You Be At Any Events / Sessions In The Coming Future?
We're going to try and make the mid main sesh October 14th at the barn in Dresden

Closing Thoughts / Feel Free To Add Anything Else
We are thankful for all of the farmers, patients and media folks out there, taking pictures, growing with good intentions, sharing reviews and basically anyone trying to bring a good light and even playing field for growers and consumers alike. Much love from us to yours and hit us up with any questions at fullmooosefarms@yahoo.com