Being able to buy legal weed is awesome right? Well being able to grow higher quality weed yourself is even better. However if everyone did that how are greedy companies supposed to make millions selling mids? That's where the lobbyists come in. Using their influence corporations manipulate laws in their favor to ban growing at home. Which simply doesn't make any logical sense. How is a medical patient supposed to be able to have access to their medicine when health insurance doesn't cover it and dispensaries charge between $150-$250 an oz for flower and $20-$50 a gram for RSO when you need 90 grams for a 60 day treatment?
These corporations don't want people to understand how simple it is to grow great medicine all by yourself in or outside your home. You will literally have more than you can smoke vs having to constantly budget yourself and rely on what they have to offer. Dispensaries who aren't greedy understand that even the most prolific grower will still pop in from time to time to grab a new strain to freshen their head stash or grab some concentrates that they don't make themselves. It's the people who want it all for themselves that try to limit what patients can do.
As of right now the states that allow you to grow at home are Arizona, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota And Utah. I'll save you from counting only 13 states vs 38 states that have "legalized'' medical marijuana. Seems like they more corporatized it then legalized it.
To give an idea to those who have never grown or don't have a clue. An entire grow set up of high quality gear not cheeping out would cost you around $750. This is going to get you your light, tent, soil, nutrients and seeds. With this set up you will be able to grow at .5lb to 1lb a harvest and harvest 4 times or so a year by using clones. LED's don't use nearly as much electricity as the old style lights and also don't require nearly as much cooling since they let off so little heat which saves you from having to constantly run expensive air conditioners. Its seriously insane to think about stoners not growing their own!