Written By: Dillon Cate
Here at ILoveMeWeed we have always done things differently than the other platforms. We are dedicated to the Cannabis plant that has been held back for over a century and is now being held back once more. Greedy businesses are trying to monopolize the industry through fear mongering and regulations, including regulating home grow rights forcing patients to pay whatever unfair price they want to set.
An example is my home state of New Hampshire which has legal Medical Cannabis without patient home grow rights. Medical Cannabis is only available from one retailer who has a complete monopoly on the industry. So Medical Cannabis is legal, but only if you purchase it from a monopoly at an incredibly high price with a high tax and the product is subpar. Growing Cannabis is medicine itself, being able to see your work pay off and be able to provide yourself with your own medicine knowing exactly what it is and what went into it. Patients need specific strains, and dispensaries grow strains that are easy and have a short flowering time. They also can lie about the strain itself is to give it more of an appeal.
We at ILoveMeWeed are dedicated to standing up for the patients and consumers along with the dedicated farmers and businesses who truly care and put their all into their craft. We aren’t trying to be the biggest or make as much money as possible. We are in it to help patients get access to clean affordable medicine that makes a positive impact in their life. There are far too many people scamming patients who are trying to find relief in their already challenging time. There’s no need for someone to overpay 5x and not be able to afford the medicine they need.

Seeing so many companies over charging for terrible products that are all too often were mislabeled with “trigger” words the uneducated consumers recognize had a great impact on me. I knew I had to do something about it. Which is why for the past few years I have dedicated myself to creating this platform so patients and those interested can have a trustworthy source of information, and businesses can have a platform that is fair and not pay to play.
From the beginning Cannabis had a huge impact in my life I truly couldn’t stand to see the biggest industry in our lifetime go into the hands of Chads and Brad’s and the culture vulture Greedy Corporations all while the farmers and pioneers of the industry who were forced into the shadows are all pushed to the side to be forgotten about. The legalization of Cannabis is an opportunity for the people who have been suffering to finally have an economic opportunity that actually provides positivity and good to the world. When all too often profit comes from the worst of places.
During the time we were building the platform we travelled the entire state, going from the shop at the most southern border to the northern border and as many in between as possible trying as many growers, brands, products at our own cost to get an honest representation that would be the same as our viewers. There were the good, the bad and the ugly. We suffered through the Mids so you wouldn’t have to.

An Excerpt From Our Mids Detector Series:
We have also created a wide network of the older generation who don’t have the technological skill due to being forced into the shadows having to avoid it all costs. We provide them with information and access to high quality content creation to show off their incredibly high-quality products. Going as far as having even making a big investment of our own money into getting a state-of-the-art Camera setup. We believe this culture needs to be documented as much as possible, not just when it pays huge fees.
Which is why we also travel around the state to Cannabis events at our own costs, and then do a full event recap for free. With photos, video and an honest accurate description of what you could expect if you were there. We don’t charge for events to be on our site, unlike other platforms / magazines do. We have an example located below where a “locally owned and operated” magazine are charging $150 to advertise an event. Can you imagine what they are charging to advertise a business? They also don’t offer a logo, a flyer or anything its just plain text. We have the event flyer, links to all the pages and a description of the event. Again, another example you can see that we are doing what we do for the people, the culture and for the future of the Cannabis plant.

$150 for a black & white text ad, and what do you know only one corporate event is advertising. The page says April / May and yet the events are in June and October.

They don't even mention how much it is for a normal ad.
This is the basis of our signature vetted directory and why you can go on it and find the best of the best and skip all the rest. Patients can recommend companies, companies we work with can recommend companies, companies themselves can even ask to come on. We welcome everyone and anyone who puts out high quality products and actively supports the community and is in it for more than greed.
Since our launch we have been contacted by a lot of growers and companies. We knew it would get to the point of being unavoidable to not get free samples, turning them down would be rude in most cases. This never changed our standards, in fact only raised them as we understand they are going to offer us the best of the best.
We are all about honesty with our viewers and the companies we work with. Our viewers and companies love us for that, while the competition not so much. We have been upfront about everything from the start, and nothing is going to change that.

In order to keep the platform running, and I don’t know maybe also eat after working so hard all day on the platform we have to charge an incredibly reasonable and affordable fee for those on the directory. A whopping monthly fee of $5 for Breeders, Nutrients, Glass Blowers and $15 for Farms / Caregivers, Grow Stores, Delivery, Direct to Patient, Hash Companies, Smoke Shops, Edible Kitchens and $25 for Medical Dispensaries and Recreational Dispensaries. The highest price per month is less than the price of an 8th.
All the while other platforms, who are giant corporations provide nothing to the local community, in fact doing the opposite by raising their prices higher and higher. Shockingly actually making each company compete with one another outbidding each other to get the “best spot” on their platform. With the prices for most spots over $2000 a month . That’s right those companies you see when you first open those other apps are actually in a constant bidding war trying to out spend each other. Putting all that money into the hands of stockholders instead of it going back into the community and the local economy.

These are the companies paying the most and there seems to be a common theme here.
Those stockholders honestly must not be happy since they have progressed to attacking us and trying to make us look bad on the local Maine Cannabis Sub-reddit. Perhaps it has something to do with their stock dropping down from the $30 level a few years ago to the current $1 level and it's still dropping! There are mega conflicts of interests within the platforms themselves as well. Due to the fact that some owners of giant Cannabis companies own a lot of stock in such platforms.

Weedmaps Stock was at at a high of almost $30 four years ago and now currently sits at $1

A Weedmaps stock holder listing our cost to be on the directory with absolutely zero context

Definitely No Conflict Of Interest Here!
This all comes at a time when Cannabis companies who tried to over expand, some even going as far as to take out massive loans, are facing colossal problems as the market does what everyone who understands economics expected, levels out. With “custie” prices reaching all time lows the Chads and Brads / Mega Corporations are doing everything and anything they can to stay afloat.
The last thing any of them would want is a platform like ours exposing dark industry secrets, such as our coverage of the remediation process that most consumers are unaware of, as it’s not required for companies to disclose it on the label. For those unfamiliar recreational cannabis is put under a radiation treatment process to allow it to pass mold testing, but if it doesn’t pass the tests it can still be turned into dabs, “and that’s where concentrates come from” per word of Vernon "Vern" Malloch former Portland Police Chief and now currently the Deputy Director of Operations for the Maine Office of Cannabis Policy.
ILoveMeWeed is a platform that exists to help spread the healing power of Cannabis as far as possible, a platform you cannot buy your way on, but instead earn your way on. When was the last time money couldn’t buy something in this world? It cannot buy and will never buy a spot on this platform. We will forever be a place where people can come to find the best products possible.

True Craft Cannabis Certification from ILoveMeWeed
We understand that these aren’t just “products” but are an incredibly powerful medicine that should be treated with the upmost respect and dignity at all stages. Grown and sold by people who treat it as such. As this powerful medicine allows people to live a quality of life they cannot live without it. We recently put out a poll asking, “How has Cannabis affected your life?”
The message we received the most was that it saved their life. You cannot get more powerful than that. Especially in our current day and age with our current suicide and mental health epidemic. That is why we do what we do. We know and understand firsthand the impact Cannabis has on people.
How can these companies can sleep at night knowing how much they are overcharging, targeting those uneducated and those who are from a different time in Cannabis and don’t understand how far it’s advanced. There is no regulation on the quality or price of the cannabis market, one store you stop at can charge you twice as much as for the same product from the same company. Or you can go to a reputable source and pay $80 for 100g of CBD which breaks down to 80 cents for about a 1000mg or go to some Dispensaries and pay $50 for a 500mg “full spectrum” CBD tincture.
How is someone who needs this everyday supposed to afford that? They wouldn’t be able to and would be forced to deal with living a lower quality of life. Why? Because someone wasn’t satisfied with making a decent living but got greedy off of someone else’s health.
ILoveMeWeed is absolutely dedicated to getting people access to truly affordable cannabis and the education to grow and produce the products they need themselves. We believe the Community must stand together now against these Culture Vultures and truly let Cannabis thrive and make the biggest positive impact on the local economy and more importantly on our lives!!!!

Our Directory:
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