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The Truth On Edibles A Complete Edible Guide

Writer: Dillon CateDillon Cate

In this complete guide to edibles you will learn everything you need to go from someone who's never tried an edible before to ready to rock and roll your way to taking an appropriately dosed with the proper mentality going in along with knowing what to look for at the shop. Also in this article is the very interesting history along with other helpful tips. So sit back and relax and I'll see you in about 20 minutes maaaaan....

Let's start with the history of edibles, the very first original use of cannabis was in its edible form. Early humans ate raw cannabis and grew along with it, advancing together. A very early use was as an ancient traditional medicine called Bhang which originated in the Indian subcontinent as early as 1000 bc. 1800's America was no stranger to edibles as well. One of the first books about psychedelics was written by Fitz Hugh Ludlow. Products were readily available with tons of options being sold such as liquid elixirs mixed with other herbs and tonics and other simple candy treats just like the ones we consume today made of hash. A prolific company at the time was called the Gunjah Wallah Company. Which was at one point even featured in the Sears catalog, and in news papers had ads that featured how the great remedy has been used for thousands of years by Ancients Hindoos, Persians, Jews, Greeks Chinese, Japanese, Arabians, Egyptians, Chaldeans And the Assyrians. Almost as if the whole world knew about this stuff forever right? Weird.

A modern advance in edibles happened in 2003 when a Canadian man named Rick Simpson was inspired by a 1975 article from National Library Of Medicine about how THC could inhibit cancer. According to him he then treated his cancer with a substance now called Rick Simpson Oil or RSO for short. Which is a highly concentrated full spectrum cannabis extract that is made from cannabis flowers and extracted typically with ethanol. It's a very dark almost solid substance that is again very potent. This may not be the first time an extract like this has been made, but he was the one to popularize it. He has a regiment for people trying to use RSO which involves consuming 90 grams over 60 days. Anyone familiar with the potency of RSO will know how much that is. But of course a tolerance will be built over time, and you start small and go in increasing doses.

Now back to modern day, you're at the dispensary and see a bunch of chocolate bars and think to yourself 100mg is 100mg right? Wrong. Just as with concentrates knowing your starting material and process is crucial. Edibles can be made with a wide array of starting products and different extract processes. Most edibles made in large quantities by big companies are made with distillate or claim to be full spectrum but aren't truly. This leaves the user really having to do due diligence to ensure the product is actually 100% full spectrum. The most powerful edibles are going to be made from the fullest spectrum products like RSO and Hash.

Distillate edibles are the lowest quality and should have by far the lowest price.

Concentrate edibles like Shatter, Badder or Live Resin (Etc) edibles are a great option that provides a full spectrum experience and are cost friendly compared to high end live rosin edibles.

RSO/FECO are extremely potent edibles that are in my opinion the top of the line. RSO isn't super expensive but it is going to be more than distillate.

Nano is a new trend in which cannabis extracts are nano emulsified into a liquid state that is supposed to have a quick on set time and a shorter duration.

Cannabutter or Oil can be made with anything listed above but is special because it is bonded to fat. The fat is crucial because cannabis is lipophilic meaning it needs to bind with fat or it's going to pass right through your system.

That's right folks! You need some fat in your edibles for them to really kick. That's why you may have noticed say a peanut butter cup kicking your butt more than say a syrupy drink even though the syrupy drink was twice as strong milligram wise. So be sure to keep this in mind when purchasing edibles and also when eating edibles. A fatty meal beforehand isn't going to hinder your experience but actually elevate it. The type of fat matters as well, animal based fat is going to work better than plant based fats. Sounds like a perfect excuse to light up then light up some bbq and then eat some good old edibles. Then of course get hungry and eat more bbq! Seriously though, how does it taste better?

So now you've become educated on the different types of materials used to make edibles and how fat is crucial. What about dosage? Well that is completely dependent on case by case and person by person. Tolerance is a big thing, but also they just hit people differently based on numerous things such as weight, metabolism, level of energetic activity, or if you're at a Pink Floyd show and the lights beam you in the soul. A good place to start if you're an absolute beginner looking to dip your toes into the pool is 10-25mg. If you want a full experience then 25-50mg. If you want to feel like a hippie in the 60s, take 50-100mg and you'll be raiding your kitchen in no time.

The Length of which edibles last varies between 2-4 hours and takes about 15-45 minutes to kick in. This again all is variable by case to case and person to person, which is one of the downsides to edibles. But once you know your dosage you can start to familiarize yourself with it but it will always be variable.

I'd recommend taking them for the first time in an extremely comfortable setting around those you know very well, and not an overcrowded setting. A perfect setting would be having an awesome playlist pre ready to go, with a "feel good" funny movie you've watched and are familiar with. Also have a lot of snacks in case the munchies arrive. You don't have to stoop to low end take out, cooking is a great time as well and you can learn to slow down and really cook perfectly. Who knows you may end up coming up with a new take on a classic recipe.

An important thing to know also is, if you eat an edible and then say 20 minutes later take a hit you may activate it a little but that's not always the full thing. Same goes for just eating edibles, you may feel a little now and want to go back in for some more but just wait it out. Go low and slow and know you can always take more but never less.

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