Cannabis Activists
In this ever changing world the one thing you can be guaranteed of is corporations trying to make laws in their favor to gain a monopoly on industries. Corporations send out lobbyists to petition the government across the country, this isn't new and it's sure not going away reaching its new high in 2023 since 2010 at a staggering $4.1 billion dollars.
Cannabis being the newest and likely the most profitable crop if legalized on a national scale it's quite obvious the amount of interest they have. Think about this there are more states with legal medical cannabis where a medical patient cannot grow a cannabis plant than where they can. That's right it's illegal to grow your own medicine and are forced to pay outrageous prices for incredibly low quality taxed product.
This is why it's so important to support cannabis activists and get involved yourself!! While also knowing where you are sourcing your products from, as you are just funding the enemy by shopping at corporate stores or supporting corporate brands. These laws aren't permanent and can change at any time in our favor or against so seriously get involved and let your voice and opinion be heard!!! It's more important than you think. Remember the biggest activist is you!
Liberate Maine Cannabis
"Liberate Maine Cannabis is a grassroots political action committee committed to free market and cannabis LIBERATION. Together and organized, we have the chance to stop the wrath of cronies and their deals of arbitrary, over reaching laws that prevent small businesses a chance in the market."